Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Pyramids or Spheres?

Everywhere I see Pyramids. Taken from the Egyptian Pyramids.   On the back of the Dollar Bill is the 'All Seeing EYE'. Scary stuff?  No, it needs to be replaced by a Sphere.  And voting needs to be also based on this new shape.  I think is the new shape of things to come, based on the Internet trends all around us.

You can see it in your living room when you turn on your television set...

Direct Democracy

On the left is a Ball and a center clearly marked.  Center to a 360 degree Sphere.  Imagine the circumference being the People of a Nation.  And the center all pointing to a vote counter.  This is the way it should be.  However this is not how democracy Works in America.  It is not fair but it was convenient without the age of computers and the hyperbolic curves of Industry.

This is more of the shape of things in our world.  People scrambling to the top only to knock the next guy off in an endless cruel world of dog eat dog of perpetual madness.  They even refer to the BASE as the voting base... this is clearly not working anymore.  It may have in the past, but the pervasiveness of people with expanded consciousness due to the Internet's pesky tall comings that base is curving.

So, food for thought.  Now that Pyramid looks more like a Sphere. 'ALL seeing eye'.  People need to wake up and stop being so Apathetic.

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